Senin, 22 November 2010

Known To You

Before I speak O Lord, You hear
Before I think my thoughts You know
You have searched my mind
Know all I feel
All my ways are known to You

If I rise on the wings of the morning
or descend to the depth of the sea
If I hide in the darkness around me
even there in the night You can see

From the east to the west
From beginning to end
Lord You are there for me

Everything I speak, You hear
Everything I do, You see
Everythink I think, You know from a far You understand
all of me

Meski lagu ini diadaptasi dari mazmur ini sudah sering dinyanyikan tapi seberapa dalam hati kita menyadari makna yang terkandung di dalam setiap kata-katanya? Lagu ini mengungkapkan rasa syukur karena ditengah segala keberadaan, pergumulan, keberdosaan, dan kelemahan, yang menyadarkan bahwa Tuhan selalu ada sejak awal hingga akhir.

always stay tuned at "a Little noTe From samZLee" see ya guys ^^

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